In the year 2021, I had the opportunity to carry out biotechnology research within the framework of the iGEM international project competition. My high school team and I wanted to develop a diagnostic method, which is how we became interested in microRNAs, which are biomarkers in body fluids for many diseases, including several cancers. We aimed at detecting these RNA stretches of a few 10 base pairs in length, in a way that could complement currently available methods, which, although accurate, are expensive and instrument-intensive. Microscopic magnetic beads and their attached single-stranded DNA fragments are the central elements of our reagent system. In this talk, I will describe the reaction sequence in the system and the experiments that demonstrate the method's functionality.
Radnóti Miklós Experimental Grammar School in Szeged, TERMOSZ laboratory
(Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt. 6-8.)
35 pupils
Németh László Secondary and Primary School in Hódmezővásárhely
(Hódmezővásárhely, Németh László u. 16.)
20 pupils
University of Szeged Teacher Training Secondary and Primary School, SzeReTeD laboratory
(Szeged, Szentháromság u. 2., main staircase, 3rd floor)
26 pupils/occasion