Nobel Prize-winning chemist, Professor of Materials Science at the Technion (Israel Institute of Technology)
7 April 2025. 11:45-12:40
Nobel Prize-winning biophysicist, Professor at Columbia University
Cryo-electron Microscopy: Visualizing Biomolecules, the Building Blocks of Life, in their Native States
7 April 2025. 14:05-15:00
Nobel Prize-winning biochemist, Emeritus Group Leader at the Francis Crick Institute in London
The Secrets of Cell Division
7 April 2025. 16:40-17:35
Chair of the Department of Medicine at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia, gastroenterologist
Are Age and Wisdom Related?
7 April 2025. 15:00-15:40
Vice-chancellor and president of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, molecular biologist
7 April 2025. 17:35-18:15
Pedagogical expert
The preparatory presentations can be accessed by clicking on the titles below and will be available soon
Preparatory presentation for Dan Shechtman’s lecture
Preparatory presentation for Joachim Frank’s lecture
Preparatory presentation for Tim Hunt’s lecture
Preparatory presentation for David Weinberg’s lecture
Preparatory presentation for Dennis Lo’s lecture
Program Director of NASE
Introduction of the National Academy of Scientist Education Program
7 April 2024. 11:30-11:45
Special tortillas: acquiring skills from around the (scientific) world
7 April 2025. 13:45-13:55
Research fellow, Systems Neuroscience Research Group, HUN-REN Institute of Experimental Medicine
Understanding the Brain’s Secret Language Through Electrical Activity
8 April 2025. 9:00-11:15
On 7 April, guests can visit the booths of NASE’s six partner institutions at the main entrance level of the Pick Arena, where the following institutions will introduce their education program and research opportunities:
Semmelweis University
University of Debrecen
University of Pécs
University of Szeged
HUN-REN Biological Research Centre, Szeged
HUN-REN Institute of Experimental Medicine